What a year for videogames! 2018 was a rough year, but at least the games were good?
I’ve always wanted to make a Game of the Year list because I spend a pretty fair amount of my free time playing games, and I’ve always enjoyed the celebration of the year-in-games that Game of the Year lists provides, and it’s also a good way for me to flex my long-ignored writing muscles.

2019 has been a pretty great year for videogames. Whether you’re a fan of AAAs, Indies, or Mobile there was definitely something new and exciting released this year, and there were even some pretty great remasters. This list, however, is not a list of games that came out in 2019, but a top 10 list of games I played and loved in 2019.

2020 sucked, but there’s not much more I can say about it that hasn’t already been said elsewhere. However, it seems like the gaming industry continued to put out quality content to keep everyone entertained throughout lockdown, and with all the extra time at home I managed to play a ton of videogames this year, including some real bangers. As always, these are not necessarily games that were released in 2020, but games that I played for the first time this year.

Just a list this year, as the browser crashed while I was writing up my proper posting, and I lost it all. Next year I’ll write everything in a document first…

I played a lot fewer games this year, and I upped the amount of books I read. However, there’s still a large chunk of games on my list, and I’m happy to share my favorites of 2022! As always, these are not necessarily games that were released in 2022, but games that I played for the first time this year.

2023 was a pretty wild year for videogames! There were a lot of incredible releases this year, and I did my best to play a good chunk of them. Some will have to wait until next year, but I’m very excited about some of the masterpieces I got my hands on this year. It was very hard to rank the upper tiers of this list, especially when the top 4 are all so tightly placed, but I’m pretty happy to talk about my experiences. Here are my favorites games I played for the first time in 2023.